Clean wipes 1 roll x 500 pcs 139-GSB4



per piece
per piece
1 piece

The Superstar Clean wipes are of the highest heavy quality and absolutely 100% lint-free. The lint-free "cotton balls" or wipes can be used together with the alcohol (139-GSB1) to degrease the skin before placing a glitter tattoo. Also ideal for removing the glitter tattoo or cleaning your brush.

The clean wipes are packed per roll of 500 pieces.


  • Moisten your clean wipe with denteck alcohol 70% (139-GSB1) using the lock pump twist alcohol (139-GSB3).
  • Wipe the clean wipe over the skin you wish to place the tattoo.
  • Throw away.

Use a new clean wipe for every new face.

Industrie- en Handelsonderneming Superstar B.V.

Superstar is a Dutch company founded in 1947, specialized in making professional face paint for both the amateur and the professional. Superstar is one of the founders of professional face paint and has played an important role in the development of the Aqua Face and Bodypaint as it is today, from the face paint pens to the beautiful bright colours in the water-based face paint today.

  • Florijnstraat 12, 4903 RM Oosterhout
  • +31 (0)162 457 400
  • BTW NL008701763B01
  • KvK 20053375